Exploring the Transaction page

Transaction hash provides a way to uniquely identify and refer to a transaction on a blockchain, often serves as a proof of transaction, confirming that the transaction was made.

Clicking on the transaction hash or searching the transaction hash in EclipseScan will bring you to the transactions details page.

This article will help you to navigate through a Transaction Details page on EclipseScan.


1. Signature: A signature (or a TxHash) is an unique 88 character identifier that is generated whenever a transaction was executed.
2. Block: Number of block in which the transaction is recorded. Block confirmations indicate how many blocks have been added since the transaction was conducted.
3. Timestamp: The date and time in which the transaction is conducted.
4. Result: The final result of a transaction.
5. Signer: The authorization party of the transaction.
6. Transaction Actions: A parsed summary of the transaction, giving users a concise and comprehensive overview.
7. Fee: Amount paid to process the transaction in ETH and fiat value.
8. Priority Fee: An amount of optional fee to enable user with optimal transactions scheduling.
9. Compute Units Consumed: A measure of the requests needed to carry out a transaction.
10. Transaction Version: Information about the transaction format involving the transaction.
11. Previous Block Hash: Reference to the last Proof of History hash of the block.

Ngoc Tran
Ngoc Tran
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